Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Reviewers qualified the soon to be launched smartphones as evolutionary rather than revolutionary, due to the minor improvements the device offers compared with its predecessor, the Galaxy S6.
The smartphones have received positive reviews from a general point of view, the upside down came when the critics did not actually recommend changing the Galaxy S6 for the new models.
“If you have got a Galaxy S6 in your hands already, keep it. You are definitely good for another year, and some of the software features that come with the new GS7 will eventually make their way to your phone,” said Florence Ion, staff writer in PCWorld, in a critic to the phone.

But if the user has a Galaxy S4 or S5 or some other Android phone that has been left out in the updating process, the Galaxy S7 is the best it is going to get at this point in time, added Ion.
Other reviews have disagreed and said that if the person is looking for an opinion over if he or she should buy the latest Samsung device, Ian Morris from Forbes said: “go for it”.
According to Morris, everything he loved from the Galaxy S6 is still there, but with a better camera, battery lasting longer and the microSD option, which is back. These are all amazing additions to an already stunning phone, Morris added.
So, what’s new exactly?
The Galaxy S7 has as differences from the S6 some big features that have been missing from Samsung’s recent glass-and-metal phones like microSD, improved waterproof, hours of extra battery life, plus some others like faster fingerprint recognitions, as reported by CNET.
There have been improvements in the battery department. Batteries will now last a full day and if users are careful, they will be able to enjoy 24 hours of battery use, compared to the Galaxy S6 that offers just a minor improvement since when apps get installed the phone battery drain increases.
One of the most relevant improvements is in the waterproof area, where Samsung added a total waterproofing, IP68 which is about as good as phones get for now. Using it underwater is still impossible, but users will not have to worry if the phone accidentally ends up covered in water or in the bath.
The thing that was missed the most from the Galaxy S6 was probably the microSD, and it looks like Samsung paid attention due to its comeback in the newest phone. The S7 and S7 edge hold up to 200 GB cards in the device, which will allow the user to save photos, video and music there for easy access on the phone.
Even though the updates are not groundbreaking or revolutionary compared to their predecessor, according to Ion, it is still the best phone around in the Android market.
Source: PC World