The parents of Charlie Gard, a terminally ill baby, have been fighting for getting him treated while the British Hospital and the court refused to accept it.
The controversial case has been gaining international attention, and the staff of the hospital started receiving abusive messages online and in the streets in the last days.

A new ruling is to be issued on July 25th.
The controversy of the case
Charlie Gard was born on August 4th, 2016 in the Great Ormond Street Hospital. He suffers from a rare condition called mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDS).
The court has made decisions about his care such as disconnecting Charlie’s life support, despite the parents’ refusal. The public interest in the case has gone as far as the Pope and Donald Trump, and this has lead to many activists and people to attack members of GOSH’s staff.
“We fully understand that there is intense public interest, and that emotions run high.However, in recent weeks the GOSH community has been subjected to a shocking and disgraceful tide of hostility and disturbance. Staff have received abuse both in the street and online. Thousands of abusive messages have been sent to doctors and nurses whose life’s work is to care for sick children. “ said Mary MacLeod chairman of Great Ormond Street Hospital.
The family managed to raise over a million and a half dollars to take Charlie to the U.S. for a treatment that might save his life. However, the British Court and several doctors claim that any treatment different from palliative care would only make him suffer for a longer period. They also have determined that because of his permanent brain damage, including loss of hearing, and inability to move or cry.
From the European court to the High Court in London.
On February 2017, the hospital applied for taking all life support, and a High Court judge ruled that the best for the baby was to receive only palliative treatment. On May, the Court of Appeals maintained the decision.
Charlie’s parents decided to take it to the European Court of Human Rights; nevertheless, they rejected the appeal. Charlie was going to be disconnected on June 30, but the Hospital decided to give them more time.

On early July the hospital applied for a new hearing claiming that new evidence in the case would appear. Michael Hirano, professor of neurology at Columbia University in New York examined Charlie and told the court there was a 10 percent chance that the baby could improve. On Sunday, around 20 people protested at the High Court in London where the case is being processed. The case will resume on Monday 24th.
Parents condemn the abusive behavior displayed to the staff but also state that they have also received threatening messages. They declared that they have not shown any disrespectful attitude against the hospital.
“Chris and I are just ordinary parents with a very sick baby and we simply have his best interests at heart. Despite conflicting issues, we have always had the utmost respect for all the staff who work tirelessly at Great Ormond Street hospital and the very difficult jobs they do every day.” Said Connie Yates, Charlie’s mother.
Source: Chicago Tribune