Steam offers a huge sale on Virtual Reality games

Steam offers a huge sale on Virtual Reality games

United States – The game distribution platform, Steam, will have a sale on the Virtual Reality titles in its repertoire only for this weekend, starting Friday 29.

With a total of 175 games, this might not seem like much for those familiar with the service, since its larger sales give serious price drops to a much more extensive selection of games in the Steam library.

Steam will have a sale on the Virtual Reality titles in its repertoire only for this weekend, starting Friday 29. Photo credit: KotakuSteam will have a sale on the Virtual Reality titles in its repertoire only for this weekend, starting Friday 29. Photo credit: Kotaku
Steam will have a sale on the Virtual Reality titles in its repertoire only for this weekend. However, with a total of 175 games, this might not seem like much for those familiar with the service. Photo credit: Kotaku

However, the Virtual Reality scene is still quite young, not even six months old, so there are not many games available yet.

The 175 games work with the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive headsets, and the price drop goes as high as 80 percent for some of its games – although most seem to stick around 15 to 30 percent.

One interesting consideration is that with Virtual Reality (VR) being a young technology in the early adopter phase, quite a few of the games are available as Early Access games.

This means the user will get to play unfinished, in-development versions of the games, having the capacity of giving game developers suggestions and feedback. The gamer’s money is used to help fund the development.

In an interesting note, the games aren’t necessarily VR exclusive, but VR compatible. So even those gamers that do not own a VR headset can have an opportunity to catch a title at a good price.

The platform is also offering at the VR Weekend Sale, a set with twenty games for 250$ – that’s at a 32 percent discount each. The sale ends this Monday.

Titles available in the sale

Among the many titles available, one can find ADR1FT, a space simulator survival game that lets players have an idea of what it feels to float freely in the space. Audio shield, an exciting rhythm game where the point is to block orbs with shields, the orbs represent the beat of the gamer music.

There is also Elite: Dangerous, the latest title in the Elite series, after twenty-one years since the last game went out back in 1995. The game is a massively multiplayer online open-ended space exploration game that promises to give a unique experience.

Home Improvisation: Furniture Sandbox is a unique game where the player has to build furniture and decorate a house, without using any instructions. There is a multiplayer mode available.

And finally, a nifty app called Virtual Desktop, which allows the gamer to navigate his PC’s desktop in virtual reality.

What is Steam?

Steam is a digital distribution platform created and owned by Valve Corporation. The service launched in 2003 after being revealed to the public and starting a beta period in 2002.

Originally meant to streamline the process of patching and updating their games, and offering stronger measures against piracy and cheating, the service has grown and expanded considerably.

The platform now offers a very extensive library of games for purchase, has features facilitating social networking between players, and has an easy way to install and update owned games, even on multiple computers.

Among its claims to fame are its many sales, which offer everything from slight discounts to steep price drops for many of its titles. Those interested can look forward to the Summer and Winter Sales for this year.

Sources: Tech Times

Categories: Technology
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