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Within a few weeks, there will be a total solar eclipse, and it will be seen perfectly in most of the United States. Because...

Image Credit: Stefan Wermuth / Reuters
Emmanuel Ferreira on 23rd Jul

On August 21 all of the United States will be able to witness a Total Solar Eclipse. The eclipse will cross 14 states along...

Image Credit: Donald Chan

On August 21st, a significant part of Americans will witness a total solar eclipse, also known as the Great American Eclipse....

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Adriana Bello on 17th Jun

The total solar eclipse is coming, and people are starting to prepare to watch the event. On August 17, the moon will completely...

According to the new study, all stars including the Sun are born in pairs. Image credit:
Daniel Francis on 16th Jun

According to the new study, all stars including the Sun are born in pairs. Researchers at the University of California,...

Astronomers discovered the hottest known exoplanet, KELT-9. Image credit: ScienceNews
Adriana Bello on 06th Jun

Astronomers discovered the hottest known exoplanet, KELT-9b, which is a gas giant located 650 light-years from Earth. Temperatures...

For the first time, NASA will launch a spacecraft directly headed towards the sun. Image credit: Tes Teach
Daniel Francis on 31st May

For the first time, NASA will launch a spacecraft directly headed towards the sun. It is the case of Solar Probe Plus, expected...

Adam Kreller on 17th May

Older and bigger stars than our sun might accommodate life around them, astronomer Lisa Kaltenegger and her colleagues at...

Melany Mejias on 17th Mar

Cambridge, Massachusetts – Researchers from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) studied the Sun-like star...