The former Republican nominee, Ted Cruz, announced through a Facebook post his support for Donald Trump, even though the two Republicans have had a previous history of rivalry. According to Cruz, his support for Trump is just a response to Clinton’s promises for the presidency.
The upcoming presidential election has been filled with controversy and rivalry, not only between Trump and Clinton the two candidates for the election but between the parties itself. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton faced rival with Bernie Sanders trough the preliminary elections. Meanwhile, Trump and Cruz nicknamed themselves and attacked each other’s families.

The Republican candidate, Donald Trump had previously mocked Ted Cruz’s wife and her appearance as well as attacked his father claiming he had something to do with the murder of John F. Kennedy, Trump also dubbed Cruz “Lying Ted.”
The battle between the two candidates reached the top at the Republican National Convention when Cruz didn’t support Trump and told delegates to “vote your conscience” which was a slogan used by those who don’t support Trump. The evening ended with Cruz being escorted out of the location with his wife and Trump assuring he didn’t want or needed Cruz’s support.
But is seems that Ted Cruz has let the past in the past and is ready to begin a friendly political campaign next to Donald Trump by announcing his support for the Republican candidate and sharing the hashtag #NeverHillary.
“Our country is in a crisis, Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would harm millions of Americans, and Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way,” wrote Ted Cruz in the published Facebook Post.
Trump and Cruz back together
In the statement Cruz explained his commitment to the Republican party, for his values and the causes he believed in, the former nominee explained that he had pledged to endorse the Republican party and he is doing so by supporting Trump.
“After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee Donald Trump,” read the post published by Cruz
Cruz endorsing Trump are not completely surprising, in the last few weeks Mike Pence who is Trump’s vice presidential nominee started to exchange communications with Ted Cruz and even met at Capitol Hill. Trump has also added to his team several members that used to work on Cruz’s campaign including his manager Jason Miller.
However, the fact that Cruz is supporting Trump might be due to the former candidate’s desire to run for the presidency on 2020 or to play an important role in Trump’s team in case he wins the presidency.
Ted Cruz’s announcement came just three days before the debate between Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, some of Ted’s supporters don’t agree with the endorsement. However, others claim this might be a move to show a more established Republican party.
Source: Facebook Ted Cruz