Test Your Website with Comparium Application

In today’s innovation-driven world, where individuals make different decisions to choose their preferred browser, it is essential that your site goes through cross-browser web testing. Any abnormality in the stacking of a site may result in loss of customer confidence. So, if you discover that your customers have a wide range of browsers, you can make sure that your website is compatible with each of these browsers. Some of the most used browsers are Internet Explorer for Mac, Firefox, Chrome, etc.

What is the cross-browser test?

It is a process that confirms whether an application/site works best in different browsers. It approves that your site is working steadily and under certain conditions. It is usually used for web applications and mobile applications.

Try Comparium

Comparium is your one-stop center for cross-browser testing on commonly used stages such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. And in this modern era, this is particularly true since the web pages execution and quality play an important task of attracting buyers and customers to make a company both popular and successful within a short time.

Comparium Features

Comparium assists you to get a quick overview of the site on various Media via a single test using simulation software. Such service saves you valuable time and effort that you can use for other useful work.

Although this testing can be done manually by comparing every version of the browser with all accessible operating system platforms, it is an exceptionally tiresome and repetitive activity. Such long errands can often lead to an unexpected human error because the amount of manual examinations needed to complete the activity is unpredictable.

Comparium replaces the usual number of steps with a simple press using an automated test method. This process can be executed offline and, therefore, saves valuable time and transmission speed since you will never have to monitor the process again.

You can test as many sites with unlimited emphasis for free. The device itself is completely compatible with the modern operating systems and browser platforms on the market. This will make your life a little easier since you will not have the trouble to find an alternative device for every new phase or an updated browser later.

How does it work?

Simply visit the legitimate Comparium website and key in the client’s web URL in the assigned space, select any browser and OS you want, or choose all of them at once to click on the Test button.

When the test is completed, the results are displayed on another page that shows an overview of the screenshots in rows. Server issues and unsupported designs are clearly ticked in grey to aid you to differentiate the limitations of specific operating systems and browser settings.

Benefits of using comparium app

  1. It is light and a compact app that can be run on different gadgets like desktop and mobile phones.
  2. It keeps parallel, and feign runs on various OS such as Windows 7, and Linux
  3. Maintains synchronous web testing in different browsers, like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera
  4. Comparium improves site accuracy by marking errors with certain OS and browser settings with full results after the process.


All businesses can admit that cross-browser web testing is essential for their web applications. However, numerous firms still rely on manual methods to examine their web applications. This is tedious and needs a large group of testers and designers. But choosing Comparium’s automatic process can reduce all these futile efforts and resources

Categories: Technology
Pablo Luna:
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