The Value of Robots in Education

The use of robots in educational institutions is gaining traction as college campuses, and high schools implement robotics programs. There are several different models of collaborative robots available for teaching programming, mechanics, electronics, and computer science courses at the college level.

Programs using robots give students hands-on experience in building their robots to perform tasks. The use of robots in education continues to grow, with collaborative robot devices becoming more available and accessible.

Application of Robots in Education

The application of Robots in the Education sector is now becoming popular as children are curious to learn about these intelligent machines. The education sector has been an excellent area for robots. They have helped teachers present the lesson in a better way that was never possible before. Kids can easily interact with them, and they can teach a variety of topics from math to science through dance or sports.

The choice of a robot is dependent on the type of application needed by the school. Robots demonstrate how they apply in different fields that help improve the educational process. In addition, they can perform repetitive tasks, repeat instructions, and interact with students. As a result, robotic use increases interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) fields.

The collaborative robotic applications in education include classroom laboratories, demonstration abodes, and research projects.

Classroom Laboratories

Robots in classroom laboratories provide a safe environment for students to learn about robotics while following step-by-step work instructions from a teacher. Some educational skills taught using a robot include programming a robot to perform a specific task, wiring systems, and attaching sensors to the robot.

Demonstration Abodes

Robots are being helpful in demonstration abodes for hands-on learning of STEM skills. Students can obtain direct experience with robotics instead of watching a demonstration from a person. A robot is programmed to complete tasks while students observe and ask questions about the process of completing the task. For example, a teacher explains how the robot uses sensors on its arms to seek out particular objects in an environment. Then, the teacher allows students to think about how they would use a similar sensor in a different situation, such as using a dark sensor for a robot that is going into an unlit area or using a metal sensor for a robot that is going into a vicinity with pipes and machinery. This process helps students apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-life situations.

Research Projects

Robots also facilitate research projects by students and researchers. They help complete valuable work that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for humans, such as repetitive tasks like inspecting an object at a micrometer level. Robots can complete this task with precision, speed, and safety while allowing the human operator to focus on other aspects of research. Furthermore, robots help researchers improve their processes over time by providing feedback on how they perform the task. If a robot malfunctions, its sensors can provide information about where it failed. This process rapidly improves the quality of research.

Benefits of Using Robots in Education

The choice of an education robot depends on the type of application needed by the school. Some schools may require a robot that can handle three-dimensional tasks, while others may need a robot with considerable outreach ability or less expensive. There are many advantages of using collaborative robots in educational institutions because they allow the introduction of robots in a safe environment. The robot’s programming allows it to complete assigned tasks, either autonomously or through remote supervision.

  • Cobots can perform repetitive tasks, repeat instructions, and interact with students, thus increasing interest in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) subjects.
  • Collaborative robots design has a small footprint and interacts with humans, which allows them to fit into tight spaces. You can also mount robots on carts for easy transport from classroom to classroom.
  • Most robots do not require unique flooring or rooms, so they can adapt to anywhere and do not require special accommodations to perform demonstrations.
  • Robots in education operate at a relatively low cost compared to other robots, making it possible for educational institutions of all sizes to acquire them for demonstration purposes or educational use.
  • Collaborative robots are powerful enough for demonstrating complex tasks, but they do not pose a risk if they malfunction. Instead of being dangerous, the robot becomes uncooperative and can provide valuable feedback about where something went wrong or is stuck.
  • The user interface of most collaborative robots allows for remote supervision; this means that the learner doesn’t need to touch the robot to operate it. The remote control is beneficial in the case of children who might be too young or otherwise unable to handle the robot safely on their own.
  • Robots can often be used for many years before requiring repairs, making them an excellent investment for educational institutions that plan to continue using them for the long term.
  • Most robots in education accept multiple purposes, which allows sharing by many students and researchers.


The increased interest has spawned research initiatives to understand the educational benefits of robots better. By placing students in charge of their learning, they can take more ownership over their work and learn faster than by following instructions from a teacher.

With the right curriculum, robots can help foster creative thinking in children while teaching STEM topics. Robots can also teach children about the history of robotics and inspire their future career paths.

Some collaborative robots are designed specifically for education, making them affordable and accessible to use in schools. In the classroom, robots facilitate interactive teaching and provide feedback on a task completed correctly or incorrectly. You can also program the robot to respond to questions and provide feedback.

In laboratories, robots in education aid in the experiment by doing specific tasks autonomously, like making measurements or being remote-supervised by a researcher. Collaborative research robots are also useful in disaster response applications. Robots are also applicable in areas where humans cannot access or remain for long periods.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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