The communication company, T-Mobile, has announced the addition of more than twelve new streaming services into its Binge On, the platform. The announcement was made by the company’s CEO, John Legere.
T-Mobile subscribers can now enjoy a various amount of streaming services that include NBC, Univision, Qello Concerts, Spotify, Google Play Music, Radio Disney and more on the free platform supported by the company.

The company has been constantly adding new services to its platform since it was created and announced to the public in November. Binge On currently has over 80 services that provide users videos without consuming high-speed data.
The company also has a music streaming service called Music Freedom, where users can enjoy music streaming without consuming their cell phone data plan, just like Binge On.
Music Freedom includes services such as Apple Music, Soundcloud, Pandora, Spotify, Rhapsody between others. Yet with the expansion of the Binge On platform users can now enjoy video streaming of this services.
Creating the platform has made T-Mobile’s competition create similar platforms in the communication market. At&T, Verizon, and others have joined the market of free video and music streaming.
Feedback on the platform
Since the creation of Binge On six months ago the company has received high numbers on the usage of the system.
According to the company, customers have streamed around 377 million hours of videos without consuming high-speed data when compared to competition services that consume data plans.
Around 92% of Binge On customers have stated they use the platform to view their regular videos and also accept having video optimized quality to consume fewer data.
“In the six months since we launched Binge On, the number of video providers streaming free without using your data has grown more than 240 percent,” Said CEO John Legere in the company’s press release.
Binge On was criticized at first for compressing video resolution of 480 pixels, less than a half of high definition pixels, streaming services also hesitated before offering their streaming to the platform, it was then explained the quality of the videos was standard for smartphones.
Source: T-Mobile