DreamWorks’ animated film ‘Trolls‘ has arrived in the theaters, and it is a movie you don’t want to miss. Now, the toys with fluorescent Don King hair will be on the big screen, and they will bring joy to the kids and good memories to the adults.
DreamWorks has announced that a funny scene can be watched at the end of the movie, and there will be no need to make kids wait until the end of the credits to enjoy it. ‘Trolls’ is the perfect balance between happy theme songs for the kids and a great humor that will keep the adults entertained in their seats. The story follows the leader of the Trolls’ Village, Princess Poppy, and her adventures.

“It’s like magical creatures barfing rainbows and pooping cupcakes. That kind of sums up my aesthetic,” said between laughs Priscilla Wong, the DreamWorks visual development artist working in the film.
Trolls film is expected to be a hit
Trolls is a 3D computer-animated musical comedy film based on the dolls of the same name created by Thomas Dam. In the film, the trolls must save the village from the destruction made by the Bergens who want to eat the trolls. The film was directed by Mike Mitchell – a veteran animator – who has also worked in other animated movies such as Shrek. He said that ‘trolls’ has been the easiest by far.
Mitchell admitted he never had trolls in his childhood, but he found out that the first Troll was made in 1959 by Thomas Dan, a poor Danish woodcarver. He made it for his daughter who was afraid of the bad trolls that, according to the storybooks, lived under bridges. So, he decided to create a happy, smiley trolls who loved hugging.
“I find all of the news — and most media and the Internet — is so dark and it’s so depressing. It’s so scary, not just for kids but for me. So I just wanted to make a film that really just makes people think about happiness” Mike Mitchell
In fact, Mitchell says that these cute happy little creatures sing and dance and have “hug-times.” The leader of “hug time” is the fluorescent pink heroine, Princess Poppy, who comes alive thanks to actress Anna Kendricks’ Voice. Poppy’s favorite hoppy is Scrapbooking.
Don’t miss the extra final scene
But besides all the songs and adventures of these colorful Trolls, there is an exciting final scene that will be played right after the movie ends; therefore parents won’t have to keep their kids in the seat until the credits end. According to reports, these scene is a must-watch for kids and adults. The movie is expected to reach number 2 on the box office this weekend, just after Marvel’s Doctor Strange.
The movie counts with many stars including Zooey Deschanel, Russell Brand, and Gwen Stefani. As well the movie’s official theme is Justin Timberlake’s “can’t stop the Feeling,” which was written for Trolls. Mitchell and DreamWorlks already have positive prospects for the movie, and they said that they are ready and eager to start working on a sequel.
Source: National Public Radio