New York – On an interview with CNN, the American businessman, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump admitted that his rhetoric on the campaign hasn’t always been appropriate for a president-to-be.
The runner for the GOP has described himself as “childish” to interviewer Erin Burnett during the interview taking place this Monday at the famous Trump Tower in New York City. Trump defended his style saying he has always been provoked by his adversaries to attacking.
“I’m responding to them. I’m a counter-puncher […] For instance, (Gov. Scott) Walker was very nice to me. All of a sudden, he hit me and I hit him back. All of these guys. (Sen. Marco) Rubio was very nice to me, couldn’t have been nicer. All of a sudden a week ago he started hitting me,” said Trump on the interview.

But Governor Scott Walker and Senator Marco Rubio are not the only ones taking hits from Donald Trump. He has a long list of also going after former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Rubio and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul in recent weeks, and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.
“We look at the job that Hillary did as secretary of state, she goes down as perhaps the worst secretary of state in history and when I run against her evenly in the polls, I’m doing very well against Hillary and beating her,” Trump said.
National Polls
On Monday, data still suggests that Trump has no business going after anyone as he still continues to lead national polls. However, the number did decrease in some surveys following the business man’s debate in California earlier this month.
The magnate has responded to press and critics who demanded him to “show more substance” by releasing a tax plan proposing slashing income taxes for American across the board, however the candidate did not explained how he would plan to make up for the lost revenue from these tax cuts.
“The economy’s going to just be absolutely like a rocket,” said CNN the candidate stated “This is what I’m good at, this is really my wheelhouse.”
Tax Plans
The candidate’s plan would eliminate income taxes for millions of households, lower the tax rate on all businesses to 15% and change tax treatment of companies’ overseas earnings. No federal income tax will be charged to individuals earning less than $25.000 or to married couples with less than $50.000 income.
“My plan will bring sanity, common sense and simplification to our country’s catastrophic tax code […] It will create jobs and incentives of all kinds while simultaneously growing the economy,” said Trump as reported by The Washington Post
With the tax plan’s release, Mr. Trump is moving to quell criticism that his campaign has been more style and less substance. This tax proposal follows his well-known immigration plan in the summer and one on gun rights last week.
Source: CNN
The dishonor that has
been brought upon our great nation is at times too much to bear. Obama has
demonstrated complete disrespect for the law and We the People throughout his
presidency. And now he has shown the same utter disregard and disrespect for
rule of law and the US Constitution. These administration Big Lies are getting tougher to cover up. With
the future help of patriotic citizens like you, less Democratic and liberalized
press outlets are publicizing treacherous tactic this government attempts and
exposing Obama’s anti-American agenda showing
Americans the wilting economy and bad policies.
People, this man has
blood on his hands. Remember Kate Steinle–the American woman allegedly killed
by an illegal alien with SEVEN felony convictions and FIVE deportations! He’d
found protection in the “sanctuary” city of San Francisco–which openly defies cooperation
with federal immigration enforcement. Righteously indignant elected officials
advanced “Kate’s Law” to reveal the truth and deny sanctuary cities
federal funding.
But this is just one
blood drop in the ocean of the pain and suffering of unknown numbers of
citizens an lawful residents murdered by illegal aliens and the facts hidden
from us all by the mainstream press or some lesser known state law. I think the
national Press whose encompassing presents dominates the internet and hide the
truth about the mayhem on city streets or highways by illegal immigrants.
However, friends this is
one of the most important messages that’s
ever delivered–we have a major problem that’s even bigger than Obama’s
lax enforcement at the border or in the interior of our country. Lurking in the
shadows is an even greater risk to liberty. That through Obama’s executive
orders and the failure of the judiciary to stop the illegal alien amnesty, we
will be inundated with even more illegal aliens trying to gain entrance through
illegal means, knowing that once here, deportation will be out of the question
especially women with children.
Government already feeds
the needs of business owners with 1 million plus most legal immigrants a year,
so we can least afford to allow more when we have 90 million American in part
time, unemployed situations. The only I see for a less reckless future that is
entertained by both the GOP establishment and Democrats is the emergence of Mr.
Donald Trump. My family and friends see that ONLY Senator Ted Cruz that is
willing to stop another path to citizenship as was unfortunately granted in
Being honest is essential
for the next President, as the American people have been lied to, by the
political parties and Donald Trump is the ONLY one trusted alleviate the damage
done to the American economy by illegal welfare recipients, who has paid
nothing into the system. I do not even believe that their are only 12 million
illegal aliens in the United States. Numbers I have heard range in the
30 million? The cost also I have heard is about $$100 billion annually, with
taxes some people pay around $$13 Billion.
Like a lottery win I wish
for Donald Trump to be President; to build his wall and being to an end to
‘Optional’ E-verify law. The American people must insist of the 100 Senators
and 435 members of the House of Representatives introduce MANDATORY E-VERIFY,
that nobody escapes in the workplace. Every person in any working environment
must be screened–everybody, including ALL hires–not just new hires. That this
is a crime against the American people of illegal immigrants stealing jobs in
complicity with US companies. A reward and a need for informants to contact
ICE, furnishing details of a felony being committed and not a misdemeanor. With
heavy duty fines and even prison for untrustworthy business owners who pay no
heed to the MANDATED law. Just for once
the law under Trump as President will be unable to manipulated by Special
Interests and Cronyism.
During this campaign
season John Boehner, McConnell and his fellow lapdog establishment Republicans
promised to lay to rest Obama’s proposals. Trust us, they whispered, we’re
with the American People, So they were voted back in there seats, as a
majority. They waited for Americans to ease back to inanimate slumber. Then
these calculating morons and white haired hacks scurried about to implement
Obamacare, amnesty, tax hikes and gross deficit spending nervous that they
might have to deal with a government shut down? I think Americans realized they had been taken
to the cleaners, because these career insider politicians have caught the wrath
of promoting Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina to top of the polls. The
analysis of Senate actions under McConnell shows the majority voting with Obama
as high as 82 percent of the time. Once again the American People came last.
McConnell has the same
behavior pattern as Harry Reid in more ways than one. Just like Reid, he’s
abusing Senate procedures to manipulate votes, policy and members of his own
party. Thank God for Senator Ted Cruz who rightfully called McConnell a
“liar.” Some establishment Republicans condemn Cruz for the breaking
of decorum, but he was right. We should applaud Ted Cruz his heroic
self-control, under impossible circumstances.
Donald Trump could do no
better than Senator Cruz as Vice President?