Trump Says He Might Take Hydroxychloroquine as Coronavirus May Peak Next Week

United States health experts said coronavirus may spike in certain states next week, and President Donald Trump said he might take hydroxychloroquine to protect himself. He warned that there will be lots of death from COVID-19 in several hard-hit regions, and that the government will do everything in its power to save lives – including with drugs such as hydroxychloroquine.

“This will be probably the toughest week, between this week and next week, and there will be a lot of death, unfortunately,” President Trump said. “But a lot less death than if this wasn’t done, but there will be death. We’re looking for an obvious focus and the hardest-hit regions. Some of them are obvious and some are not so obvious. They spring up; they hit you like you got hit by a club.”

The response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Deborah Birx, stated that COVID-19 cases will rise exponentially in New York, Detroit, and New Orleans as well as the counties around them in the next seven days before they begin to experience a decline. “They’re all on the upside of their curve of mortality, so you know when you get to the peak, you come down the other side,” she revealed.

President Trump said he has tested negative for coronavirus twice and that he might take hydroxychloroquine which is largely used for malaria and lupus as soon as his doctors approve of it.

“If it were me, in fact, I might do it anyway,” Trump said. “I may take it. Okay? I may take it. And I’ll have to ask my doctors about that, but I may take it. I just hope that hydroxychloroquine wins. Is there a possibility? What do you have to lose?”

Just last week, the FDA approved the use of hydroxychloroquine – a derivative of chloroquine – for emergency cases, even though many doctors had been using it privately to treat their patients. President Trump said he had called Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India, to expedite action on the shipment of the hydroxychloroquine ordered by the United States.

In a survey conducted by Sermo, an international healthcare polling company, 6,227 medical doctors in 30 countries chose hydroxychloroquine out of a list of 15 drugs as the “most effective therapy” for treating COVID-19 in patients infected with coronavirus. Australia has also indicated that they will use the anti-malaria drug to fight off COVID-19.

Source: Dailywire.com

Categories: Health
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