In an interview with correspondent Lesley Stahl, Donald Trump said many things about his promises made during his presidential campaign, but not all of them seemed to match Trump’s original stance on many issues. Donald Trump said Sunday on “60 Minutes” that he is reconsidering prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her email scandal, he showed support to Obamacare and said he is going to deport about 3 million people, instead of the 11 million the president first promised.
Trump promised many things during his campaign, and now that he was elected, he is saying contradictory things. First, he considered Hillary Clinton, his opponent in the presidential campaign, a “nasty” woman and promised that if he won the elections, he was going to instruct his attorney general to choose a special prosecutor to investigate the emails she sent using a private server.

But Sunday Trump said that the Clintons were good people and that he did not want to hurt them. The elected President of the United States stated he had not given the prosecution of Hillary Clinton “a lot of thought” and at some point in the interview, he said America owed gratitude to the former Secretary of State.
He also changed his mind on Obamacare. During the presidential race, Trump said in different opportunities that he was going to repeal the Affordable Care Act because it was killing jobs. Surprisingly, during “60 minutes” he said he would support several aspects of the law, including the ban on insurers denying coverage for pre-existing conditions.
Trump speeches were full of hate against Muslims and illegal immigrants during the presidential campaign and said he was going to banned people devoted to the Qoran and deport 11.3 million of illegal immigrants.
But a few weeks before the elections and after being elected, Donald Trump has said he will deport fewer people, and his website does not mention any pledge on banning Muslims from America. The 45th President of the United States said in December 2015 that he would carry a shutdown on Muslim people until the US authorities figured out Muslims behavior in the country.
Regarding illegal immigrants, Trump stated Sunday that he would only deport illegal immigrants with criminal records or those associated with gangs and drugs, who according to him, are around two to three million. Nevertheless, the Migration Policy Institute has the higher figures related to illegal immigrants with criminal records, and the numbers do not reach the one million.
Trump insists global warming is a lie and remains true to banned abortion
A great concern for Americans and the world is that Trump continues to believe that global warming does not exist and he has said he will cancel payments to the United Nations climate change programs. Apart from that, the new President of the US stated the country would no longer be part of the recent Paris agreement on the issue after he took office.
When it comes to abortion, Donald Trump was first a pro-choice politician, but during his campaign, he changed his mind and now he is a committed pro-life activist. He promised to revoked Roe v Wade, the case that made abortion legal in the US and plans to go to the Supreme Court to make it happen. If Donald Trump manages to do so, many women will lose their right to decide over their own bodies and others will have to risks their lives to have an abortion illegally.
Source: BBC