Twitter lets users to retweet themselves

Twitter (NASDAQ: TWTR) enable a new function, and now all users can retweet or quote their tweets with a few clicks. The latest feature does not need an update, and a server side has been enabling worldwide to allow twitter’s accounts to share their previous thoughts.

But this was not the only novelty among Twitter’s news. Other changes were recently made: the “@” at the beginning of a tweet will no longer be immediately associated as a replay, making it available into the timeline and on June 13 the option to block people was simplified.

Even though Twitter's latest update comes with no apparent goal, users are now able to retweet their own posts on the social media app.Even though Twitter's latest update comes with no apparent goal, users are now able to retweet their own posts on the social media app.
Even though Twitter’s latest update comes with no apparent goal, users are now able to retweet their own posts on the social media app. Image Credit: Telegraph

Retweeting your tweets will allow people to re-insert themselves into a schedule and make their thoughts to be seen by more people. It will allow, at the same time, to remind your followers a past thought or to share an idea with a more convenient timing.

Android Headlines says that even when the feature is limited is very welcome. For products and their marketing strategies, this represents an advantage and makes it easier to resend a previous message to reach more followers.

Users have the possibility to comment their self-retweet, to add new inside to their own, past idea.

Before this new feature, trying to prove you wrote an idea in the past was complicated. You had to copy the link to your previous tweet and paste it in the new one to demonstrate that you were right about that prediction or anything else that you need it to bring back from a previous time.

After the official Twitter announcement on Tuesday, some users were excited and others skeptical. According to the Washington Post, allowing to retweet our tweets will be used for anything other than the nurturing of narcissism.

The portal compares the self-retweet with the selfie phenomenon and says this change will hardly be as important as the selfie although both share the same incredulous reaction.

Blocking made easy

On Monday, a new feature regarding how to block unwanted users was released. This change was done to make it easier, and faster, to prevent a disrespectful user. To block a follower or any other account, the user has to tap the three dots underneath a tweet from the annoying person. A pop-up will appear and will show the options mute, block or report. To prevent a person on Twitter makes it impossible to the annoying user to send you direct messages and to access to your timeline.

This action was taken to fight trolls on the site. Twitter is on the Internet, and it is not the exception for people that wants to publish offensive content or disrespectful vocabulary. This is one of the main reasons that made possible this new option. Twitter is a space for communication opportunities, and it has to guarantee satisfaction and secure space for its users.

Source: Washington Post

Categories: Technology
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