Twitter turns 10 years old today

Twitter, the famous microblogging service is turning 10 years old today. Exactly a decade ago, Jack Dorsey sent the first tweet ever in the website that would connect everyone in everywhere a few years later. The simple tweet read “just setting up my twitter.”

Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) announced that what they wanted to celebrate the milestone were their users. To do it, as March 21 begins around the world, each of their global services will start the day by showing their appreciation and gratitude, according to a blog post by the company.

Twitter, the famous microblogging service is turning 10 years old today. Photo credit: WiredpenTwitter, the famous microblogging service is turning 10 years old today. Photo credit: Wiredpen
Twitter, the famous microblogging service is turning 10 years old today. Photo credit: Wiredpen

“Throughout the years, you have made Twitter what it is today and you are shaping what it will be in the future. Thank you for making history, driving change, lifting each other up and laughing together every day,” the company said.

The 10-year-old service also released a two and a half minute commemorative video that showed Twitter’s role as a purveyor of information and activist platform for world events like the Arab Spring, the 2011 Japanese tsunami, marriage equality and the Black Lives Matter movement, as reported by Fast Company.

In the video, there was also a questioned moment when at the end, the thank-you tweet goes over Twitter’s 140-character limit. But then, the writer of the tweet just deletes the exceeded characters and replaced them with emojis. The playful moment could be a clue that the company will be sticking with its character limit instead of expand it.

The to-go platform

Through the years, the service has become the primary form of communication for politicians, entertainers, activist, everyday people and for those who just look to get the latest information in real time.

Many of its 320 million tweeters use the service to share opinions over sports event as the happen or to monitor the protest, wars or terrorist attacks as they unfold in real time, according to CNET.

From Donald Trump communicating his thoughts to Michelle Obama helping popularize the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls to call attention to the plight of kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria, the social website has had a key role in world events.

Twitter’s goal was to create a “public messaging service”, akin to the way cab drivers and dispatchers communicate, according to its founders Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. They referred to it as a simple way to say something to anyone that everyone in the world could see instantly.

Source: Twitter

Categories: Entertainment
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