The “Pulp Fiction” and “Kill Bill” Volumes 1 and 2 main actress, Uma Thurman, known for her close relationship with the celebrated director of both previously-mentioned film, Quentin Tarantino, finally spoke Friday about her thoughts on Harvey Weinstein. As the American actress has said since the first accusations against the mogul and American producer, she is quite “angry.”
Her story was recently published in a New York Times interview. This is the first time that Uma Thurman talks and addresses Weinstein’s case with so many details. However, it’s not the first time that she mentions him after the accusations.
In middle-October, she said that she needed time to think and to “fell less angry.” Then, in a Thanksgiving Instagram post, she said that she was glad Mr. Weinstein’s situation was “going slowly.” Then, she added that he didn’t “deserve a bullet.”
Ms. Thurman has intermittently mentioned how bad she’s felt about Harvey Weinstein, who has allegedly forced dozens of women – inside and outside the entertainment industry, and from many different countries – to have sexual relationships with him.

She plays an essential role in this issue because she starred two of the most celebrated movies of Mr. Tarantino, which were produced by not-anymore Weinstein’s company Miramax.
According to the American actress, the “first attack” she received from Mr. Weinstein was in a London hotel room. She said that the mogul pushed her down and “tried to expose himself,” but that she then managed to “wriggle away.” This was after Pulp Fiction was released in 1994.
Harvey Weinstein’s spokeswoman, on the other hand, said that Uma’s accusations “are untrue.”
A sexually-assaulted Uma Thurman
This is not the first time that the American actress suffers from sexual assault, as she recently informed. According to her, she was forced to have sex with a 20-year-older actor while she was only 16 years old. Ms. Thurman today is 47.
The American actress and model, referring to the incident with the unmentioned-actor, said that she was “ultimately compliant.” At the moment, she tried to do “anything” she could – from to “say no,” to “cry.” But as she noted, he had told her that he had “locked” the door, although she “never ran over and tried the knob.”
In the end, she mentioned how “mad” she felt when she saw herself in the mirror and looked that her hands weren’t “bloody or bruised.”

After Mr. Weinstein’s aggression, Uma said that he then sent her a bunch of flowers with a note that had written: “You have great instincts.” Meanwhile, Weinstein’s assistants kept calling about new film projects.
“He pushed me down. He tried to shove himself on me… He did all kinds of unpleasant things,” Thurman told the Times. “But he didn’t actually put his back into it and force me. You’re like an animal wriggling away, like a lizard.”
Mr. Weinstein’s’ spokeswoman, on the other hand, sent to the Times a statement and pictures with Ms. Thurman to demonstrate the “strong relationship” both “had.” The Times then dubbed those pictures as “chummy.”
“Mr. Weinstein acknowledges making an awkward pass 25 years ago at Ms Thurman in England after misreading her signals, after a flirtatious exchange in Paris, for which he immediately apologised and deeply regrets,” the statement said. “However, her claims about being physically assaulted are untrue.” “There was no physical contact during Mr Weinstein’s awkward pass and [he] is saddened and puzzled as to why Ms Thurman… waited 25 years to make these allegations public”.
Harvey Weinstein is right now in rehab.
Source: New York Times