Walgreens informs its customers about medical marijuana

Walgreens (NASDAQ: WBA) addressed the medical marijuana debate in on its Tumblr page, aiming to inform its customers about the possible benefits from using the wide-debated medicine. Although it may be a risky move, the company stated that the post was not a stated position over the legal consumption.

The post was called “clarifying clinical cannabis” and mostly informed over the pros and cons of its use, but also showed a different posture from the downside, which can be impaired lungs, memory, and judgement.

As its benefits, the retailer pharmacy said that marijuana provides pain relief in ways traditional pain medicines do not, it can improve appetite and relieve nausea in those who have cancer and it may help relieve symptoms such as muscle stiffness in people with multiple sclerosis, according to the post.

Walgreens addressed the medical marijuana debate in on its Tumblr page, aiming to inform its customers about the possible benefits from using the wide-debated medicine. Photo credit: Stoned Insider

“The content is strictly informative, and nowhere do we take any stance on the issue,” Jim Cohn, a spokesman for Walgreens told The Huffington Post. “It was developed to address some of the questions we have received from patients and customers through various channels,” he added.

In addition, the pharmacy chain declared that they were not licensed for commercializing legal marijuana and encouraged their readers to consult with their physicians for any concerns they may have.

An increasing market

Even though the company did not officially take any posture for Marijuana, it appeared that they did have in mind the recent revenues for the legal marijuana market, which was $5.4 billion in 2015.

About 56 percent of Americans want marijuana to be legalized across the board, and half of the Americans have tried, according to a recent poll by CBS News. Besides those numbers, nearly 70 percent of those who approved its legal consumption between the ages 18 to 34. Those ages are as well between the most actives Tumblr users, where the company posted its article.

Source: Stay Well Walgreens

Categories: Health
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