What Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

What Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

Research indicates that approximately 1.8 million people in the United States learn they have cancer in 2020. There are several reasons an individual may get cancer. Some people are genetically predisposed to certain types of cancer. Defects in person’s genes can lead to several types of cancer, including breast, kidney, prostate, and thyroid cancer. Other factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer include obesity, diet, smoking, and exposure to toxins and chemicals.

What Cancer Does Zantac Cause?What Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

In some cases, individuals may develop cancer because they have been exposed to harmful toxins or chemicals. This exposure can come through contaminated ground or water. It can also stem from ingredients used in products. For example, exposure to lead paint has been linked to several types of cancer.

Individuals who took Zantac are also at risk of developing cancer. The types of cancers linked to Zantac and legal options for those who took this medication are explored here.

What is Zantac?

Zantac is the brand name of ranitidine. This is a medication that is commonly used to treat issues caused by problems with your stomach acid. You may have taken Zantac if you have a stomach ulcer or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Although some individuals may have been prescribed Zantac it is also available as an over-the-counter medication. Zantac may be taken orally or by injection.

Which types of cancer are linked to Zantac?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled ranitidine and Zantac because they contain N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). NDMA has been proven to cause breast, ovarian, bladder, kidney, colon, stomach, and prostate cancer, as well as several other types of cancer. It can also cause Non-Hodgkins lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

What other side effects could people who take Zantac experience?

Individuals who receive Zantac through injections may feel burning and pain at the site where they were injected. People who take Zantac orally or via injection may also suffer from severe headaches. Stomach pain and nausea are common. Some individuals develop constipation or diarrhea. Chest pain, insomnia, depression, vertigo, and blurred vision are also some of the other side effects people who take Zantac may experience.

What legal options do people who used Zantac have?

Individuals who have developed cancer after taking Zantac can opt to participate in a class-action lawsuit. Miller & Zois are medical malpractice lawyers who also specialize in personal injury and special class action suits such as the infamous Zantac lawsuit. These legal experts can explain the process and outline what legal options you have. You are eligible for a free consultation to discuss your potential claim. Class action lawsuits typically involve no upfront legal fees, which means that the lawyers who pursue the case are only paid a percentage of the settlement if the verdict is in their favor.

How does a class action lawsuit work?

When there are several plaintiffs pursuing a case against a defendant a judge may rule that the cases should be combined and heard as one case. This is a common practice used to expedite the legal process. When lawyers handle a class action suit they may advertise on television, online, over the radio, or in newspapers to inform people of the class action lawsuit. A class-action lawsuit automatically covers anyone who shares the same grounds for a legal complaint against the defendant. You may be required to provide medical records and testify during the trial to establish that you are an injured patient.

Why should Zantac users consider legal action?

The objective of any legal proceeding is to ensure that victims are compensated for pain and suffering and other costs related to their injuries. If you or a family member have developed cancer after taking this medication you may face expensive medical care costs. A medical malpractice lawsuit or class action lawsuit can lead to a verdict and judgment that covers the costs of treatment. Individuals with cancer may have longer recovery periods following chemotherapy or surgery and require in-home assistance, daycare, or other special services. Economic losses from a class action lawsuit can also ensure companies stop using harmful substances so that other people are not adversely affected by dangerous products.

Categories: Editorials
Pablo Luna:
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