A woman from Fresno, California, died Thursday last week after giving birth to twins. She had struggled with cervical cancer for the past months and was able to beat it just days before the birth, but she died tragically because of a heart attack the day after the C-section.
30-year old mom, Jamie Snider, was suffering from a rare and aggressive type of cervical cancer, that forced her to go through several chemotherapy sessions. This was not the first time Snider had overcome a cancer disease, and the last time she did, she lost an ovary in the process. When she found out she was pregnant with twins, she and her family were delighted and excited.

Snider was already the mother of two girls before the first cancer experience, and she was prepared to beat the disease again and bring two more beautiful kids to the world. She was at the Stanford Medical Center fighting the cancer and receiving many special treatments while she was pregnant, and doctors told her that her cancer entered into the remission stage once more.
After doctors had told her that she had beaten up cancer again, she posted a photo of herself on Facebook with an optimistic message about his future life with these new twin babies.
“Tomorrow will be a great day. God has been by my side the whole time. All your prayers and love have kept me going as well. Wish me luck. I’m having a C-section at 7 and then a radial hysterectomy right after. I’ll be fine. Thank you, God, for keeping me positive through all the hard times,” was the last publication Snider post on her Facebook account.
The tragic death of a courageous mom
After she had announced her friends she was going to had a C-section, Snider was more than prepared to bring her two kids to the world. She was able to deliver both babies successfully, but after overcoming all the surgeries, her heart failed the morning after and died in the hospital.
One of Snider’s closest friends said that she knew Jamie died in peace since she was able to see those beautiful kids live and hold them for just a little bit before passing away. Her long lasting friend, Larina Campanile, accompanied Snider in the whole pregnancy process and the cancer fight.

The twin babies born on March 15 came prematurely, as Snider gave birth to them just 33 weeks into the pregnancy. However, the family told local news source that the babies were in healthy conditions.
After Snider had passed away, three different GoFundMe pages were opened to support the kids and Snider’s memorial service. According to those pages, both babies will live with their father in Pelham, New Hampshire.
Moments after the memorial service, some of Snider friends and relatives said that they saw her in the sky, in an odd cloud formation. Sarah Lowe, a close friend, told ABC 7 that “maybe she is in the clouds.”
Source: ABC 7