A new Canadian mother is suing IWK Health Center and several Halifax-area doctors after being diagnosed with a terrible infection following her son’s birth. Lindsey Hubley contracted a flesh-eating bacteria called necrotizing fasciitis that has left her a quadruple amputee. In addition to losing her limbs, she still requires more major surgeries, including a kidney transplant.
Myles, Hubley’s kid, was born on March 4. His 33-year-old mom returned to the hospital the day after his birth complaining about abdominal pain, but doctors told her it was just constipation and sent her home without any examination.
Hubley was rushed to the hospital the following day with more pain and discoloration on her body. She was later told she had a flesh-eating disease and doctors had to perform a total hysterectomy in addition to amputations below both of her elbows and knees.
Ray Wagner, her lawyer, told Canadian press a statement of claim filed Wednesday in Nova Scotia Supreme Court states five doctors and the hospital was negligent during Hubley’ delivery and postoperative care, as reported by CTV News.

Wagner alleged doctors did not remove Hubley’s placenta and that his client had suffered from a tear on her vagina that required sutures.
“Our allegations are that had she been properly assessed when she presented at the hospital … a substantial part of the damage, if not all of it, could have been prevented,” Wagner told CTV News.
Hubley has spent the first months of Myles’ life receiving treatment. Since she has been hospitalized, she has had to watch her fiancée and son walk out the door every single night. Mike Sampson, 34, had to quit his job to be a full-time dad and said their lives had been turned “upside down.”
Sampson is also named as a plaintiff in the case. A GoFundMe page has been started to help the family pay medical bills. Despite the terrible things Hubley has experienced since she gave birth, her fiancée said she is very confident and that she will not let the disease take her happiness away. Her lawyer noted she is lucky to be alive.
Necrotizing fasciitis is a potentially deadly disease
The life-threatening infection requires urgent surgical and medical treatment. Approximately 700 to 1100 cases are reported in the United States each year since the beginning of the decade, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Between 2003 and 2013, the CDC identified a mortality rate of 4 to 8 deaths per 1 million people. Once it enters the human body, necrotizing fasciitis aggressively spreads and kills the body’s soft tissue, infecting nerves, fat, and blood vessels. A late diagnosis could lead to death in a short amount of time.
Unfortunately, symptoms are confusing and may delay diagnosis. A few hours after an injury, those infected complain about pain or soreness. The skin turns warmer with swelling that increases quickly. In some cases, the disease causes ulcers, blisters. Those affected experience high levels of pain and can later show symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue, and tiredness.
For those who have any open wounds, the CDC strongly recommends proper wound care, which includes avoiding swimming pools and lakes, rivers, and oceans.
Source: Metro News