Two students from Yale University say they have come up with an anti-hangover cure drink. The invention is a patent-pending powder formula and they are raising money to market it.
The supplement is called SunUp, and inventors say that its ingredients work together to break down toxic molecules in the liver, stabilize your glutamine levels and provide your body with electrolytes. When mixing the powder with water the resulting liquid looks like orange juice. After the intake, the consumers feel a substantial boost that allows them to endure a night out drinking and the next morning after waking up.

Liam McClintock, a senior D1 athlete, involved in Greek life at Yale, and Margaret Morese, senior molecular, cellular and developmental biology Major at Yale, are the ones who developed SunUp. They received advice from John Friedman, CEO of Easton Capital and expert on healthcare ventures, and Andrew Young, an MIT graduate who started a company for energy chews called Revivo.
SunUp is latest hangover cure in the market
McClintock and Morese set up an Indiegogo page to raise money for producing the hangover cure formula on a minimum scale.
“Hangovers cost the U.S. over $200 billion according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s about $1.37 for each drink consumed by Americans!” wrote the students on their Indiegogo page. “Together with your help we are aiming to prevent the damaging effects of alcohol on the body, terrible feelings of a hangover, and productivity lost due to alcohol hangovers.”
McClintock and Morese explain on their page why you feel better with SunUp. According to them, when you drink a byproduct of alcohol called acetaldehyde it negatively impacts your body. SunUp increases enzymes in the liver that fight the acetaldehyde and turn them into less harmful molecules.
SunUp also suppresses the feelings of malaise that alcohol causes in the organism. They claim that SunUp contains ingredients that balance glutamine levels which decrease with alcohol, and are essential for the body to carry out important biological functions.
They also added that alcohol overwhelms the body and causes depletion of vitamins, and SunUp primes the body with essential nutrients and vitamins to combat alcohol toxicity.
Some of the ingredients in SunUp are L-glutamine, Sulforaphane (from broccoli extract), sodium, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.
The students came up with the hangover formula spending countless hours investigating about its reasons and effects on the human body. They set out to answer how could modern science prevent or mitigate this issue.
“Answering this question has involved a two-step process. First, we learned about the physiological effects of alcohol on the body, and read all of the scientific literature on the causes of hangover symptoms,” they explain on the Indiegogo page. “After identifying the root causes, the second step involved researching nutrients and compounds that have been shown in studies to combat the processes that lead to hangovers.”
After they had a general idea of the formula, they wrote a paper with the findings and sent it to various nutritionists and professors. Then, they partnered up with a pharmaceutical manufacturer that helped them with the final advice on the hangover cure.
The Yale students went on to order the ingredients online and mixed several combinations. They conducted tests with a panel and themselves and found that they were hangover-free after drinking, although accounting for factors like the type of alcohol and duration of sleep.

Hangover cure will retail at $5 per serving
The team said in their paper that they were able to identify the four top contributors of hangovers: acetaldehyde buildup, glutamine rebound, immunologic disturbance, and electrolyte loss. After they identified that, they were able to come up with a formula that diminishes those effects, and they named it SunUp.
McClintock and Morese say that the hangover-cure powder has a citrus taste, made of natural ingredients that quickly dissolve in a glass of water. The supplement intake should take place before leaving the house for a night out, and it’ll allow you to wake up the next day feeling fresh and with a healthy liver.
The Indiegogo page details that they need to raise $20,000 to produce a minimum production of SunUp packets with their pharmaceutical manufacturer, and so far they have raised over $12,700. SunUp creators expect that the supplement will be sold at $5 per serving, and they will begin delivering the product at the end of April.
With a minimum $5 donation to the campaign, you can receive a SunUp packet and a pass to SunUp’s kickoff launch party at Yale, which will take place at the end of the month.
Source: Dailymail