Youtube Kids will be safer with parenting control update

Google is going to update their Youtube Kids service adding more parenting control, after some complaints about the app featuring adult content. The app was released February this year.

According to Tech Crunch, two consumer groups, the Center for Digital Democracy and the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, denounced this year that the app featured a number of videos that included references to sex, alcohol and drug abuse, child abuse, pedophilia and more. They compiled a video and showed it to the FTC (Federal Trade Commision). Youtube’s response was to improve the ways of controlling content.

the new app strips out a lot of the complications of classic YouTube: comments are gone and the interface is tiny finger friendly

“We always try to make the videos available in the app family-friendly, but no system is perfect. So if you ever find a video you’re concerned about, please flag it,” Youtube says on a blog announcement. 

Youtube looks for parents to understand better the app, so they are adding tutorials to learn how the system works and how to flag content. You will be able to turn on and off content that you don’t want your kid to see. Another highlight is the option to customize the passcode, as for the moment it was an spelled one.

the new app strips out a lot of the complications of classic YouTube: comments are gone and the interface is tiny finger friendly. Image:

“In fact, many of these updates are a result of the great feedback you’ve given us. And we’re always excited to hear how we can better help your family explore, learn and sing along”, the announcement concludes.

The app, being downloaded over 8 million times, will also improve some of the features of the service. According to a press release, Youtube says now you can use Chromecast, Apple TV, game consoles or a smart TV to watch the videos. Also, kids will be able to chose from playlists specially made for them on various subjects as science. It also includes updates on the shows offered.

Source: Youtube

Categories: Technology
Tags: YouTube
Emmanuel Ferreira:
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