Image credit: The State Times
Adriana Bello on 09th Sep

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A new study found that following a plant-based Mediterranean...

Daniel Francis on 06th Mar

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, following a Mediterranean diet reduces the chance of contracting ER-negative...

New research suggests that people who maintain a Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer from neurodegenerative diseases....

Mediterranean diet
Daniel Contreras on 05th Jan

A new study has found that the Mediterranean diet improves brain health and avoids some of the damages that come with aging. The...

Mediterranean diet
Daniel Contreras on 30th Sep

A new study emphasizes the fact that a Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Consuming fruits,...

Mediterranean diet
Geraldine Chacon on 13th Aug

Eating a Mediterranean diet can slow down cognitive decline and increase the brain’s performance in memory, language,...

Hector Morales on 28th Mar

A group of researchers led by Dr. Bernhard Haring of the University of Wurzburg in Germany studied a possible link between...

2018 eating good, Well-balanced dietary plans, Diets, Vegetables and Fruits
David Montes on 03rd Jan

If you’re thinking about changing your lifestyle by eating something different to what you’re used to, here we give you...

A new study revealed that the risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia are reduced if people...

Daniel Contreras on 28th Jun

Eating healthy foods has a vast array of positive effects on the body and mind, one of which is extending physical mobility...