New quest, more gear and new perks. This is the new content showing in Destiny’s spring update.
Bungie has not been shy about teasing Destiny updates in between The Taken King and its sequel, but what are those going to look like, exactly, and when is it arriving? The studio hasn’t revealed all its cards but some clues have been already shown.
Bungie has revealed that Destiny’s first update after The Taken King (Version 2.2) will be ready for players to enjoy on April 12 with a few surprises here and there.
This new update brings a new quest that involves the mysterious Blighted Chalice strike, as well as player-versus-environment challenges. Also, you can anticipate a smattering of new and updated gear, Crucible updates and an increased maximum Light level with rewards to match.
Are we paying for this new update?
No, the April update is completely free as long as you have The Taken King expansion so no “Season Pass” is needed like seen in the past. The catch, as you may have noticed, is that there’s no mention of new maps, enemies or other meatier content additions. While that was expected, it leaves this update appealing primarily to serious fans who need just a bit more content to keep playing.
From now on, every Wednesday till the release of the Destiny April Update, Bungie will be hosting Twitch sessions where they would talk about what is coming in this much-awaited update.
In February, Bungie confirmed reports of a planned sequel to Destiny but pointed out that it will not come out until 2017.
The game developer, however, revealed that a new expansion of the original game will be made available later this year. It is still not clear whether this release will be a minor one, similar to The Dark Below and House of Wolves expansions, or if it will be more along the lines of The Taken King.
Source: Engadget
There are a lot of things that drove me away from this game. I played a lot of MMO’s in my time and so I get the grinding for mats and rep and everything else in an MMORPG. I was a staunch supporter of Destiny, I thought, and still think, that its a good game; not the greatest, but it has a good foundation to build on. What I hate is the lackluster content updates. The game itself shipped sub-par and I agree with the majority that if it shipped with half the reported expectations from the reveal a couple years before, or if it shipped with the additions of TTK as part of the original game, then it would have been great. But it didn’t. Content was a big thing that upset lots of people, myself included. I stuck around though, hoping Bungie might actually listen and address some of these issues. They did, in a way.
Oooo, yay! There’ s a content roadmap. Well, hasn’t there always been one? I mean, it was a 10 year gameplan, so there should have been content plans as part of the overall 10 year. Sadly, content roll out has been few and far between and with gimmicks like the sparrow racing, its just a bit lame. The roadmap for content releases seem to change on a quarterly basis; rumors, conjecture, even press releases from official sources change the timeline so often, it’s become unreliable unless its an announcement like this one where the content is due out in a couple of weeks.
Destiny died to me, and I used to be a strong supporter of the game, even going so far as to buy another TTK legendary for my Xbox One when I got this past Christmas. Then I discovered Neverwinter on the XB1 and that has taken my attention lately, a free to play game with a lot of content to play with.
I gave this game up when TKK was released. So glad I did. It was fun but mind numbingly redundant and glitchy.