The Walt Disney Studios company has premiered the first trailer for their new ‘Beauty and the Beast‘ movie. Twenty-six...
Andy Cohen revealed an awkward moment that he started at the 2016 Met Gala after-party. Cohen found himself next to Taylor...
This Saturday, it was celebrated the Governor Awards ceremony and actor Tom Hanks was the host. In the ceremony, Hanks acknowledged...
Pink is pregnant, and the photo she used to announce the news shows her second child is not so far from being born. The singer...
Scarlett Johansson will give life to the sci-fi anime classic Ghost In The Shell through The Major, the series’ protagonist. The...
Jelena could be back and ready to get married while other tabloids say Selena Gomez could perform at the 2016 AMAs, which will...
Leonard Cohen’s representative announced the death of the influential poet and novelist through his Facebook page. It was...
16 years ago, The Simpsons predicted that Donald Trump would become the president of the United States. The episode aired...
Comments made by famous US rapper, Lil Wayne, about the “Black Lives Matter” movement led to some disagreement and discontent...
Michael Bublé and his wife Luisana Lopilato are devastated after announcing their 3-year-old son Noah has been diagnosed...