The Iraqi-British architect, Zaha Hadid, who became the first woman and the first Muslim to win the prestigious Pritzker...
Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson are back together on Netflix comedy The Ranch, a show that marks the reunion of the once...
Ramen based burgers will now be available across the United States starting April 4th, for a short period of time. Red Robin,...
The actress Patty Duke, star of “The Patty Duke Show” and an Oscar-winning, died of sepsis from a ruptured intestine...
Picking on a girl is not going to make you famous, is it? Well apparently, the world is much more complicated than we thought....
Captain Jeffrey Wenniger worked as security detail of Sir Elton John for about 12 years until September of 2014, and now...
Soundcloud, the online audio platform, has launched its new ad-free streaming application that will allow users to enjoy...
Florida – Star Trek actor William Shatner is being sued by a 59-year-old radio DJ called Peter Sloan for $170 million....
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – Academy Award winner and mental health advocate Patty Duke passed away Tuesday morning in...
Katt Williams, the beloved comedian, was recently caught on video getting into a brawl with a teenager in an apartment complex...