As announced by CBS, Bryan Fuller is returning to the television franchise after 15 years as a showrunner, co-creator and...
Daniel Gerson, a Disney screenwriter who worked for the oscar-winner Big Hero 6, and the two Monsters Inc. films, died on...
Will Mark Zuckerberg’s efforts make him finally win new audiences? Speaking in Mandarin during a minute-and-a-half video...
The executive producers of The Good Wife announced on Sunday during the Super Bowl that the show would end in May 8th, after...
LOS ANGELES, Calif. – Known as the “Queen of Snapchat”, Playboy model Katie May died at age 34. After an accident at...
Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) has announced that the awarded-TV show Orange is the New Black has been renewed. The comedy-drama...
The fastest is yet to come. The globally acclaimed Fast and Furious franchise will continue for at least three more releases,...
T-Mobile U.S. has published its new Super Bowl 50 ad featuring the Canadian rapper Drake, who makes a parody of his song...
Lady Gaga is set to pay tribute to David Bowie as part of a special segment at the Grammy Awards, which will be broadcast...
As an open-minded woman, Gwyneth Paltrow has referred to her ex-husband as a brother. She shared at an interview of Glamour...