Leopards have lost about 75 percent of their worldwide habitat making it an endangered species in the need of protection,...

Irene Rondon on 21st May

Los Angeles gave a warm welcome to NASA’s last space shuttle external fuel tank. On Wednesday, ET-94 arrived to Marina...

Geraldine Chacon on 21st May

Representative Lamar Smith, the current chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, subpoenaed the New...

Adam Kreller on 20th May

After NASA confirmed that there was flowing liquid on Mars, scientists published a new study suggesting that two tsunamis...

Two different studies aimed to understand why birds have red colored feathers in their body. This is a mystery that has revolved...

Daniel Francis on 20th May

Throughout human evolution, there has been a distinctive variation in facial features. These traits have been examined by...

A team of engineering designers from the United States and Hong Kong has created a new drone prototype named “Robobee” that...

Daniel Francis on 19th May

The newly discovered Spiclypeus Shipporum and the Machairoceraptops Cronusi species in Montana and Utah respectively have...

Daniel Contreras on 19th May

Trees were part of a recent and particular analysis made by researchers from Finland and Austria. The team presented evidence...

NASA has been planning its journey to Mars for several years and has developed different technologies that will allow...