After six months in orbit at the International Space Station (ISS) conducting various experiments, three crew members, an...
According to the European Space Agency (ESA), its Rosetta spacecraft has just found the Agency’s Philae lander, which lost...
NASA is already planning where could they land their next rover mission to Mars, and young Alex Longo may have a say on it....
Ocean storms in East and Southeast Asia will become more active and deadly over the next few years due to ocean warming,...
China’s global icon, the giant panda, has been just taken off the red list of the International Union for Conservation...
Videos on the media show an enormous mystery object flying across the Pacific Northwest around 11:35 p.m. Friday, according...
Mars is no longer better mapped than Alaska. The “most accurate digital elevation maps” ever created of the state have...
The Department of Natural Resources confirmed the presence of Starry stonewort, an invasive macroalga, in three other lakes...
Jupiter’s North Pole images arrived at Earth Friday after NASA’s Juno spacecraft made its first close flyby to the giant...
An annular eclipse was seen by earthly observers who were lucky enough to be in southern Africa on Thursday. The best views...