Daniel Contreras on 01st Dec

New York – According to two scientific studies, which conclusions were released just today, the psychedelic effect...

Physician, Patient
Jesus Molina on 19th Nov

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in men and the second most common type of cancer in that gender. According...

Seniors waking
Melany Mejias on 18th Nov

A study from Taiwan has revealed that walking several times a week could help lung cancer patients improve their sleep and...

Melany Mejias on 05th Nov

Michael Bublé and his wife Luisana Lopilato are devastated after announcing their 3-year-old son Noah has been diagnosed...

October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As everything goes pink, so increases the awareness among the population...

Geraldine Chacon on 16th Oct

Cynthia Sheridan Murphy, a breast cancer survivor from West Springfield, is now working in an empowerment and coaching program...

Daniel Francis on 07th Oct

A new study revealed that black women die from breast cancer at a higher rate when compared to white women, and the difference...

Driving Miss Norma
Melany Mejias on 04th Oct

Norma Bauerschmidt, a 91-year-old Michigan woman who chose to enjoy her life instead of undergoing cancer treatment, passed...

Daniel Contreras on 16th Sep

Nashville, Tennessee- After his serenade became viral, Ben Ellis, a teacher who was fighting an aggressive type of cancer,...

Physician, Patient
Daniel Francis on 15th Sep

Men diagnosed with early prostate cancer sometimes are suggested to monitor the disease rather than treating it, as it sometimes...