The U.S. Department of Justice determined through an investigation that Chicago police officers violate the rights of detainees...
Chicago has now closed August as its deadliest month in over 20 years with 90 murders as of Wednesday night. Rates of gun...
Chicago Police SuperIntendent, Eddie Johnson, recommends the firing of seven police officers who were involved with the murder...
Footage released on Friday shows Chicago police officers repeatedly firing at a car as it tries to go away. All the 9-videos...
Chicago — Detective George Hernandez will not be charged with any files after he shot dead a 25 year-old man in the state...
Chicago – Mayor Rahm Emanuel asked on Tuesday for Chicago Police Superintended Garry McCarthy resignation. Rahm claimed...
Last year, 17-year old Laquan McDonald was murdered after receiving 16 shots by a Chicago police officer. The assassin was...