WHO's Depression: Let's Talk
Adriana Bello on 07th Apr

In light of the World Health Day, the World Health Organization decided to dedicate the day focusing on depression, a condition...

Jesus Molina on 27th Mar

A new study has shown that breastfeeding does not have the long-term cognitive benefits that many scientists (and people...

Jesus Molina on 27th Feb

According to an official statement by the World Health Organization this Monday, there are twelve new superbugs considered...

Jesus Molina on 23rd Jan

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned the entire international community about a possible flu pandemic and asked for...

Daniel Contreras on 13th Dec

The World Health Organization has announced in a press release that efforts to fight Malaria in Africa have been successful,...

Jesus Molina on 18th Nov

The World Health Organization declared on Friday that Zika virus is no longer a matter of global concern. This statement...

Kids marketing
Daniel Contreras on 04th Nov

The World Health Organization has just published a report where researchers and health providers analyzed how marketing...

Jesus Molina on 01st Nov

Even though India has one of the most valued tobacco industries in the world ($11 billion), this Tuesday the National Government...

Single dad
Daniel Contreras on 25th Oct

The World Health Organization wants to redefine the concept of infertility to include single and gay people on the same lists...

WHO transgender 3
Geraldine Chacon on 31st Jul

A study conducted by Mexican scientists from the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz concluded that...